Steps to Relaxing Your Muscle

The process to Relaxing Your Muscles are nearly identical, regardless of which group of muscles. First of all, focus their thoughts on the muscle groups, such as his right hand. Just inhale and then press the muscles as strong as he can in 8 seconds, as in this example, it is difficult to take the first step.

It is very important to feel the excitement. Done properly, creating tension in the muscle begins to shake, and feel a little "pain.

Be careful not to damage other than slight feeling of pain! The contracting muscles in the legs and back, especially, can cause serious problems if not done carefully, with a small but intentional.

Second phase: the release of tension.

This is the best part, because it's really beautiful. 8 seconds, a fast and suddenly released. All stiffness and pain in the muscles moving, when it evaporates. In this example, will be held and pain in the hands of interfluent fingers to evaporated. A pillow to relax the muscles and joints in mass and strength, interfluent of spring water. The focus and see the difference between tension and relaxation.

This is really focus on these changes, because the voltage is. So it is very consciously, because we try to learn very small differences in muscle tension and relaxation of muscles.

You have to keep calm for about 15 seconds and repeat the thrill of restitution. There will be more feelings for the second time.

K-controlled relaxation

Using the same can the peace process, progressive relaxation, but working together with a summary of muscle groups. Four of the muscle groups are as follows:

• lower limbs

• abdominal pain and chest pain

• arms, shoulders and neck

• Face

What is more focus on breathing, then both relaxation and entertainment. Inhale slowly that use and maintain power. Then, when tensions run in and out, said a few words about you rows (see below). This will help to connect the word spastic condition of peace, and then finally queue word creates a relaxed state itself. Many people believe that the controlled voice of peace, should not a word, can be useful in some situations can use the expression. Some of the proposals queue words / phrases are:

• Relax

• Release

• E 'OK

• remain calm

• General increasing


posted by Willem @ 8:41 PM, ,

Mechanism and structure of action of muscle relaxants

Muscle is divided into several groups, biochemical medicine! Biochemically, skeletal muscle relaxants are a variety of drugs. Some of them belongs to a class of antidepressants such as Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril), and some are from gamma-amino acids, such as baclofen (Lioresal), and some chemical composition is similar to other drugs such as carisoprodol (sound), which is chemically related to meprobamate (Equanil, Miltown). When we speak of this mechanism, we know that the mechanism of skeletal muscle relaxants are not known. However, there are a number of animal experiments, but suggested that suppress polysynaptic reflexes. Given that have different chemical structures can not be a big problem! This is due to the fact that all the parameters, such as the abuse of danger, lethal dose and treatment of cases of overdose by a typical entry into the medicines, and therefore have no rules! In addition to these features, almost everyone has a sedative property, and it is therefore inappropriate treatment in the first place! Some recent studies have confirmed that when used at high doses can cause noise, a feeling of euphoria and improves mood and a pleasant illusion.

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posted by Willem @ 8:32 PM, ,